Six secret reasons to buy the best-unlisted share Polymatech to get high returns

Polymatech unlisted share
Polymatech unlisted share

Look no further to learn the many secret reasons for buying the best-unlisted share Polymatech to get high returns. PEPL, or Polymatech Electronics Pvt. Ltd, is the subsidiary of over 75-year-old Japan’s Polymatech, acquired by BITS alums in Chennai in 2018. For the last five years, PEPL has become India’s top LED semiconductor chip maker to reduce exports and shortages for use in many devices. Hence, PEPL is showing spectacular results year after year from 2018 to come out with an IPO by the end of 2024.

So, check out the many reasons to buy the Polymatech unlisted share at the current price of around Rs. 1,000 to reap huge profits in the short and long term. 

What is Polymatech unlisted share?

Unlisted shares have become popular in recent years in India and provide many advantages to investors, such as diversification of portfolio, extraordinary returns, and others. Many such unlisted shares are available in the grey market to buy from the top broker to have all its advantages.  One such best-unlisted share is PEPL, simply called Polymatech, based on its parent company in Japan. The significant reason for this is manufacturing semiconductor chips that are in high demand worldwide, as it is helpful to make from smartphones to LEDs and other daily essential devices. Hence, Polymatech unlisted shares have become the favourite among investors in the last few months.  From Rs. 700 in November 2023, Polymatech’s unlisted stock price now trades around Rs. 1,000 and will rise more. 

Six reasons to buy at the current Polymatech share price

With stock markets trading at all-time highs in India, so is the grey market, with many potential shares rising in the last few months.  One of the best among them is Polymatech unlisted shares, which rose over 40% from Rs. 700 to Rs. 1,000.  So, check out the seven reasons, among others, for buying at the current Polymatech share price to have high returns. 

  1. Polymatech management announced in recent months that it would launch an IPO of Rs. 1500 to expand its semiconductor manufacturing capacity.
  2. Partnering with Japan’s Orbay to have Sapphire ingot growing technologies will expand PEPL resources and skills to increase revenue
  3. For the financial year 2023, PEPL increased its revenue from 126 crores the previous year to around 650 crores.
  4. In less than a year, Polymatech’s unlisted share price rose from Rs. 425 in September to over Rs. 1,000 now to rise more in the future.
  5. From negative PAT or profit after tax in 2020 and only Rs. 7 crores in 2021, Polymatech’s net profits rose several times to Rs. 167 crores in 2023
  6. The total assets of Polymatech also saw a rapid rise within two years from Rs. 23 to over Rs. 387 crores from 2021 to 2023

Call the consultant of the renowned platform to know more about the Tata Capital share price rise and invest in one of the top unlisted shares to yield high returns. Stockify is your go-to platform for real-time stock data, expert analysis, and access to pre-IPO unlisted shares for smart investing.Buy unlisted shares at stokify.