How to make mezcal at home

How to make mezcal at home
How to make mezcal at home

Making mezcal at home is a complex and time-consuming process that involves the fermentation and distillation of agave, similar to tequila. However, it’s important to note that distilling alcohol at home may be illegal in some places without the proper permits and licenses. Additionally, the mezcal production process can be dangerous if not done correctly. This response will provide a general overview of the steps involved in making mezcal, but please ensure you follow all local laws and safety guidelines:

Ingredients and Equipment:

  • Agave plants (preferably Espadín variety)
  • Water
  • Large stone or brick pit
  • Firewood or charcoal
  • Crushing equipment (e.g., a tahona or mill)
  • Large wooden or stone fermentation vessel
  • Distillation equipment (e.g., copper pot still)
  • Glass containers for collecting mezcal


  1. Harvest and Prepare Agave:
    • Harvest mature agave plants (typically the Espadín variety) and remove the leaves to reveal the core or “piña.” The piña is the part used for mezcal production.
  2. Cooking:
    • Traditionally, agave piñas are cooked in an underground pit called a “palenque” or “horno.” The piñas are placed in the pit, covered with charcoal or firewood, and roasted for several days to break down the starches into sugars. This imparts smoky flavors to the mezcal.
  3. Crushing:
    • Crush the cooked agave piñas to extract the juice, which is called “aguamiel.” This can be done using a tahona (a large stone wheel) or a mill.
  4. Fermentation:
    • Transfer the crushed agave juice into a large wooden or stone fermentation vessel. Add water to dilute the juice and initiate fermentation. The naturally occurring yeast on the agave will ferment the sugars into alcohol. Fermentation can take several days to a few weeks.
  5. Distillation:
    • Transfer the fermented agave juice to a distillation apparatus, typically a copper pot still. Heat the liquid to separate alcohol from water through distillation. Collect the alcohol vapors and condense them back into liquid form. This is done through multiple distillation runs to increase alcohol content and remove impurities.
  6. Collection:
    • Collect the distilled mezcal in glass containers. The first and last parts of the distillation run, known as the “heads” and “tails,” are often discarded, and only the middle part, known as the “heart,” is kept.
  7. Aging (Optional):
    • Some mezcal is aged in wooden barrels or containers to develop more complex flavors. Aging times can vary from a few months to several years.
  8. Bottling:
    • Once aged (if desired), the mezcal can be bottled and labeled for personal use or sharing with friends.

It’s important to emphasize that making mezcal at home requires careful attention to safety, as the distillation process involves the use of open flames and can be hazardous if not done correctly. Additionally, the production of alcoholic beverages may be subject to legal regulations and permits in your area. Always research and adhere to local laws and safety guidelines when making alcoholic beverages at home.